Tuesday, May 27, 2008

back to our regularly scheduled program


Life is simmering down back to normal; back to what i remember before planning this big hoo-ha! And to be perfectly honest, I'm thrilled. Life without worrying about sick ministers or dress fittings or DJs is so much more my style.

Sure, I like the planning and the excitment of it all. I won't lie about that. But i get plenty of that at work. And so to escape the maddness that sometimes ensues at my desk and in my office, I go straight home to hang out with my honey, work in the yard and putz around the house.

That's pretty much been the plan the last week or so. We've been dog sitting Lex, my girlfriend's golden retriever. He's pretty cool but a little weird. He's definitely good entertainment thats for sure and he LOVES rob. We also got a delivery of mulch on Saturday morning and man does that stuff make a difference! Our front yard looks awesome.

Besides that, I had an itch to bake. My neighbor bought us some new baking pans and such as a wedding gift and i really wanted to try them out. So i made a pathetic looking cake that tasted really good. That's all that really matters anyway right? We served it up for dessert last night to our dinner guests (my parents and my aunt/uncle from Australia). They laughed at my design, but in the end they were scraping the last little bit of icing off the plate. Mission accomplished....sorta.

Other news includes the babymaking progress. Let's just say, we'll try again next month. I have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow for a Clomid check and lucky us, we'll be ready to "rock and roll" during our honeymoon. I'm trying to stay positive. After all it is only the second month with Clomid.

We leave for our honeymoon a week from Friday and we CAN'T WAIT!


Anonymous Mommy Blogger said...

After our wedding was over I remember feeling relieved, but I also kinda missed the planning under all the stress. Now the real fun begins for you!

j-m said...

My DH and I had a realllly quiet wedding (there was major turmoil going on elsewhere in our lives at the time) with minimal planning. It was beautiful and only minorly stressful, in the scheme of things, but...I distinctly remember heaving a huge sigh of relief when it was over, and it was only the two of us back at the house. We put on pjs early and just unwound for a couple of days. We were finally "one", legally and otherwise, and it was such a relief to have it all done and over with.

Happy future!

Luna said...

I won't get into what I did right after my wedding, but I will say that what you are feeling is probably common. The Monday morning Quarterback in me would have eloped.

Glad you made it through-have a great trip!