Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Retractable George

I am not a very political person, but I am trying to remain in the loop. When i saw this... I almost fell off my chair. Talk about embarrassing. How does the leader of our nation deliver a 5600 word speech to the world and then "quietly" retract it? I am embarrassed for him. I am embarrassed for our country. Somewhere in the caves of Afganistan, Osama is laughing his ass off. Our forefathers must be rolling over in their graves.

When I shared this story with a co-worker, her response was, "next thing you know he will retract any responsibility for the last and next few years in office."

This seems odd and I wonder if something HUGE is about to happen. Mark my words.

Here is the story... I could hardly believe it.

White House Quietly Retracts Entire State of the Union Address
Courtesy of "The Onion"
WASHINGTON, DC—In a brief statement faxed to major media outlets at approximately 11:50 p.m. Friday, the White House retracted the entire 5,600-word State of the Union address delivered by President Bush last Tuesday. "This includes all components of the address, and is not limited to the president's congratulations to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi or his plan to give more Americans affordable health care through tax cuts, which has since been deemed infeasible," the statement read in part. "Furthermore, the president's urge for bipartisanship as well as his final statement about the state of the union being 'strong' are hereby stricken from the public record." Like the State of the Union address itself, the White House's retraction has not yet become a significant national news story.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Political Sparks Make History

Ever since the Democratic convention, my enthusiasm for the Democratic party has significantly grown. Many people my age often push aside politics as bullshit and annoying. Yup. You're right. It has been, but I write to you today in the hopes that you will reconsider. A new age is upon us. We are about to experience a major icon in history; one your grandchildren will read about in history books.

Two people from the Democratic Party are considering their candidacy for President. One is Hillary Rodham Clinton. Potentially the first woman to EVER step into the shoes of one of the most powerful position in American government. The second is a young man named Barack Obama. Potentially the first African American man to ever run for the Presidency.

Both in my opinion have the knowledge, the charisma, and the skills to lead this country into a better place. You may not agree. You may not be a democrat. But please consider becoming more aware and educated about how our country is run and who is running it.

Senator Barack Obama
Many of Senator Obama's speeches are placed as podcasts and available for viewing on his website.

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton
Senator Clinton answers your questions live via webcast every week.