Thursday, February 12, 2009


I have not written in quite some time but most of my blog readers get updates on facebook. Im still pregnant!! What fun this has turned out to be. I have been taken out of work however, due to some blood pressure issues. I was on bedrest all week last week but not I have been given the blessing of the doctors to "walk the baby out". And so i am trying to remain as active as i can these days.

Im having contractions now and then and I even ended up at the hospital a couple of times last week for labor checks with no luck. I was there all day on Monday, and somehow three women had their babies and I went home pregnant. UGH!

Anyway, I was given a wonderful baby shower about three weeks ago. It was so relaxed and so nice. Rob and I are pretty much set with everything... the nursery is complete. The carseat is installed. We are READY but this little boogerhead is not. So we will let him cook a little longer. I just hope he knows he's coming out whether he likes it or not in the next couple of weeks. We are very eager to meet him as is the rest of the world.


Nan Patience said...

It's true, you've taken your story onto Facebook.

I was thinking the other day, we haven't had much of your good photography lately. Have you been taking pix, or have you been too preoccupied with motherhood. I'll bet you'll be taking some great baby pix!

We eagerly and anxiously await delivery.


Natasha Beccaria said...

you can count on baby pictures. I have had a few calls for photography work but it entailed alot of time on my feet, which i just cannot do right now. Im sort of on a break, but will return in the next 3-4 weeks as the little man arrives!

Can you believe im 17 days from my due date?