Thursday, September 13, 2007

still alive and kicking

Isn't this change of weather awesome? I love the cooler evenings. LOVE THEM!

I am still here but it happens to be the busiest few weeks of the year for me at work. Event after event, phone calls, emails, etc etc etc...starting with an overnight trip next Tuesday to Washington D.C., strolling into October with our annual golf outing and then ending with the Riverhead Country Fair.

Did i mention i start a class next Monday night and that i am heading to a huge family reunion on Saturday all the way in Pennsylvania? How about the fact that i have purchased a space at a Fall festival in my town to promote my photography?

So if i seem a bit quiet...thats why.

By the time Thanksgiving rolls around I will be THOROUGHLY ready for that vacation in Tampa. Wouldn't you say?


Nan Patience said...

Good luck with all, Natty. Go get em.

Luna said...

Thanksgiving? UUGGGHHHH...Don't even GO there yet, honey-please.

TM said...

Ah yes...Farm Bureau memories! LOL! That's great about getting a booth with your photos! Good luck!