Writing is not my strong point (just incase you haven't noticed!). The letters on the back space key on my keyboard are faded and worn and lately I have a new found friendship with my thesaurus. The one in Microsoft WORD. Endless re-reading and re-writing are dull and boring tasks, especially when i am writing about something that hasnt sparked an interest in me. But that hasn't stop me yet. 'Practice makes perfect' rings in my ear constantly.
Ironically though, I have often pulled together great story ideas and astonishing opening paragraphs in my head. I can write a whole poem from the time i climb into my car to the time i arrive safely at work. The main issue being... I'm driving! I'm not one of those women who frantically applies mascara or lipstick while racing down the highway. Therefore, my inkless piece of art remains trapped and eventually disintegrates into thin air, never to be seen again.
Friday, May 25, 2007
inkless seeking inspiration
contributed by
Natasha Beccaria
Friday, May 25, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
is it starting already?
Denise Civiletti's blog about "silly season" really did a number on me. Is it that time already? Like most sports in America ... silly season seem to be extending into no-mans land. These are the times when I treasure my satelite radio (Go Sirius!) and my lack of interest in television for anything other than background noise is really paying off.
I used to hate politics with a passion but my current profession drew me in and exposed me to the grunt work. I see the need but my patience and attention span is short. 'Years', you say, 'before any changes will be made?' Oy! I do see some good in it though, believe it or not. Holding a position in government is a thankless job and one that i will probably never take on in my professional career. But it does make some sense these days as i wander in to my early 30s.
However, the political battles... cat fights... back stabbing...he did this...she did that... are not my thing AT ALL. I don’t care who you are or what you stand for, if you get on your little soap box and start screaming how bad the other candidate is... you're NOT getting my vote! No ifs, ands or buts... I truly believe a good portion of this country is pretty darn fed up with name-calling.
So who do I vote for? How the hell do i know? These days it's so hard to keep track of who's running for what office and what they think is important. And ultimately, how do we know these candidates will actually fight the agenda they propose to the people?
contributed by
Natasha Beccaria
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
my little life
I've been so caught up in my life lately! I guess thats the way it should be huh? Between my two jobs, my photography and some other side business adventures, life seems to be racing by at the speed of light! How do i slow it down? I need more hours in the day to fit it ALL in!
Ahhhh back to work!
contributed by
Natasha Beccaria
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
wet dog
Nothing like a good swim! Rob and I are dog sitting for 3 year old Golden Retriever, Lex. His mommy and daddy are in Florida for a few days so we offered to have him stay with us. He's quite a dog! Such a character. And he LOVES Rob - follows him around everywhere! Rob is in his glory! I think he's going to miss Lex when he goes home tomorrow.
contributed by
Natasha Beccaria
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
Life may not always be roses and raising a little boy must be a challenge, but who can resist when he says "skubada" (thats "screwdriver" for any of you who aren't fluent in 2-year-old language). When i tried to get him to say the word slowly, making sure to get all the letters, he looked up at me with his cute adorable eyes and made a face - duh thats what i just said.
Of course kids are notorious for listening when you DON'T want them to. How many of you taught your kid their first "naughty" word?? HUH??? Raise of hands please.
Skudaba may be a challenging word for him right now, but he's got "S#*T" down to an art - even using it in context. For example, Rob was outside playing ball with Luke and as Luke went to kick the ball, he fell backwards and yelled out "S#*T"! Rob nearly burst trying not to laugh.
Mom is trying not to make a big deal about it, hoping it will be a dying phase, but I think it's quite funny. shhh... dont tell her that!
contributed by
Natasha Beccaria
Monday, May 14, 2007
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mother's Day
Though I have mixed feelings about the war or any war, this heartfelt video has touched my soul. I may not be a mother, but every woman carries "maternalness" within her and has a desire to reach out and wrap her arms around the world - to offer her love the best way she knows how, with a warm and safe embrace so that her children and the children of the world may suffer a little less.
contributed by
Natasha Beccaria
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Friday, May 11, 2007
my biggest fan
There are many reasons i have falling for this guy in my life....but one of my favorite is his overwhelming support of me and my talents.
Two nights ago, I was doing my usual 1/2 mile walk around the neighborhood when i became fascinated with the light that was hitting the trees through the fog. So much so, that i cut back from my walk early to get my camera and take a few shots.
Rob was in the garage when i arrived. I peaked in and asked him if he wanted to go for a ride down to the water. And like the champ that he is, he drove me around for about a 1/2 hour, helping me scout out the scene and looking over my shoulder, giving me another set of eyes to rely on. Then critiqued my spruce-up job in photoshop when we returned to the house.
If you havent seen them yet, what are you waiting for? click here.
What a man!
And if that wasnt enough.... last night he went out and bought me a bike. A slight argument earlier in the week about a certain promise made by HIM to walk with me in the evenings caused a bit of a ruckus. He hates to walk, but loves to bike. So last night we started our routine bike ride - 3 miles people!!!! I didnt think i would last that long because i am so out of shape, but apparently its not as bad as I thought. Its a Schwinn... we got it at Costcos - in case anyone was wondering. Its very comfy.
contributed by
Natasha Beccaria
Friday, May 11, 2007
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Spitzer parody
This is pretty funny.
contributed by
Natasha Beccaria
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Sunday, May 06, 2007
fathers and their daughters
Toni's blog touched my heart and reminded me of this wonderful thing that happened this weekend.
Rob and I went to a Ducks Baseball game - GREAT FUN and i recommend it to anyone. Its very family oriented and they encourage kids to participate in activities on and off the field. At $10 a ticket you really CANT go wrong. I remember Rob saying "This is what makes baseball the greatest American past time". I had to agree. It's these small minor league baseball games that truly make this an affordable family outing. The players are here to play the game and there's no corporate bull$#*%. If you have ever seen that Gina Davis film "A League of Their Own", you'd know exactly what i am talking about.
Anyway, we found our seats after walking around for a while. Introductions were made - the players lined the first and third baseline, everyone was pumped up and ready for a new season and a great opening night game.
A young girl stood at home plate. She couldn't have been more than 13-14 years old. The camera was pointed on her and when she was given her cue, she stood up straight and smiled. The announcer bellowed out.
Please stand as we pay tribute to America with the Star Spangled Banner.
Everyone stood in silence. The girl took a deep breath and began singing like an angel. I couldnt believe the sounds that were coming from her tiny little body.
As she neared the end of the song, people began to cheer - myself included. And at her conclusion, the pitcher and the other players began to take the field and I turned to sit in my chair. The man sitting two seats from me (with the seat between us empty) turned to me and said "Thats my daughter". His voice was full of pride and literally... a tear was falling from his eye.
I just wanted to tell someone that, he said.
I'm glad you did. Your daughter has a beautiful voice. You should be very proud.
I wanted to reach out and hug the guy. He just kept repeating "That's my daughter". My eyes got a bit watery and i stood there trying not to stare at him but i couldn't help myself. I related to the situation remembering when I used to ride horses. Dad was so proud. I was about the same age as this young lady - 13 or 14 years old. He would come out into the paddock and encourage me to get over those jumps with my crazy lunatic horse Samantha. And when company came over he would show me and Sam off to all his friends and family. I was his princess and he was my daddy. It seem so cliche but it truly was a special bond and still is.
My dad would do anything for me and the last year and a half was a true testament to that. Both he and Mom helped me through some rough times. He was the idea man when I needed a solution but my head was so boggled by emotions that I couldnt think straight. He was a stern voice pushing me to keep moving forward. He was support when money got tight. But best of all he was a hug when things got overwhelming.
I remember....
We were standing in my kitchen two Christmas's ago. My divorce was still in negotiations and my house was for sale. I lived there on my own and my life seemed upside down. I didnt know which way to look. But I wanted to have one last Christmas in my house before I had to sell it. Dad came over early in the day and as we have been for the last few years, we began cooking some Argentinian specialty food for a family meal that was to take place at my Aunt's house that evening. It was just the two of us. He was busy at the stove wildly stirring and trying to think of what was next. I stopped in the middle of the kitchen thinking this was the last time we would do this here. I wanted to engrave it my memory forever. But then i began to cry. Just a tear or two. But i could feel it welling up inside. Dad saw the look on my face, grabbed me and said "Dont worry. It will be ok. You'll get through this."
That was all i needed and somehow he knew it.
contributed by
Natasha Beccaria
Sunday, May 06, 2007