Monday, April 13, 2009

Things I learned as a new mommy:

our little boy is growing so fast! Where does the time go?

Things I learned as a new mommy:

1. to eat a meal with my right hand (when im left handed)
2. to change a diaper quick enough before getting christened
3. I married the greatest man on earth.
4. i never thought i could love my husband more than i already did... but i do.
5. to use all the newborn clothes you possibly can because they grow out of them before you can blink!
6. baby blues SUCK but it DOES eventually go away!
7. being a stay at home mommy ROCKS!
8. advice from family and friends is priceless, but in the end you must do what you feel is right for your family.
9. that five minutes of quality time with your baby out weighs a clean house, finished laundry and paid bills any day of the week and twice on sunday!
10. nothing... and i mean nothing... gives you a warm tingly feeling inside like the first time your child looks at you and smiles.

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